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English translation for "lacustrine facies"


Related Translations:
lacustrine:  adj.1.湖泊的。2.生活[栖息]在湖上[中]的。3.【地质学;地理学】湖中形成的。短语和例子lacustrine dwellings (史前)湖上村落。 the lacustrine age (史前)湖上生活时代。 lacustrine fishes 湖鱼。 lacustrine plants 湖沼植物。 lacustrine deposits 【地质学;地理学】湖成冲
lacustrine sediments:  湖成沉积物
lacustrine nodule:  湖泊结核
lacustrine plain:  湖成平原
lacustrine sedimentation:  湖成沉积
lacustrine muck:  湖泊沉积腐泥湖积腐泥
lacustrine bog:  湖沼
lacustrine sedimentology:  湖泊沈积学
lacustrine wetland:  湖沼湿地
Example Sentences:
1.The cuoqin basin suonahu formation is lacustrine facies and been divided into fan - delta and shallow lagoon facies
2.The sedimentary facies of sihetun area may be divided into alluvial - fluvial , shore - lacustrine , semi - deep and deep lacustrine ; while those in yixian area can be classified into alluvial - fluvial , fluvial , shore - lacuatrine and lacustrine facies
3.As regards sk ( bias angle ) and kg ( kurtosis ) values , the fluvio - lacustrine facies or palaeosols increases considerably compared with the aeolian sands . the former displays positive bias and the latter often approximately symmetrical distribution with only a minority negative bias
4.Situated at the southeast of the mu us desert , ordos plateau , the milanggouwan stratigraphical section in the salawusu river valley keeps a record of 38 sedimentary cycles of alternate evolution of the aeolian dune layers with the fluvio - lacustrine facies and palaeosols since 150 ka bp
5.Mz , a , sk , kg and sc / d ( ratio of the sum of silt and clay to sand ) of fluvio - lacustrine , palaeosols and aeolian sands constitute an interlocking , multi - fluctuation process curve with peak and valle y values : the < & value of mz , o and sk values often increase accordingly from aeolian sands to its overlying fluvio - lacustrine facies or / and palaesols , the kg value heightens , too , and the sc / d value also basically consists with its change steps
河湖相和古土壤与风成砂的mz 、 、 sk 、 kg以及sc d (粉砂粘土之和与砂的比值)构成一峰谷交替、犬牙交错的锯齿状多波动过程线:常常是由风成砂至上覆河湖相或和古土壤, mz的值、 、 sk值相应增大, kg相应增高, sc d值亦与之变化步骤基本一致。
6.Terrestrial sediments consist mainly of fluvial and lacustrine facies have the following characteristics : lacustrine basins have undergone a long continuous and fast subsidence and contain many terrestrial source rock sequences ; sedimentary facies of terrestrial basins are deposited in a ring formation . the best source beds are the continental source beds which contain dark shale
7.The general characteristics of the grain - size distribution of different sedimentary facies , es pecially the variations of the parameters mz ( mean particle diameter ) and o ( standard deviation ) clearly show that the fluvio - lacustrine facies and palaeosols usually become finer in particles and worse in sorting than the aeolian sands
该剖面不同沉积相粒度的一般分布特征尤其是粒度参数? mz 、的变化明显表现出,河湖相或古土壤通常要较风成砂颗粒细化,分选相对较差。
8.Besides , the sedimentary facies of upper ganchaigou and lower ganchaigou formation were also mapped in supersequences which are the main target strata for exploration . the high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework showed the genetic relationship between the distributions of sedimentary facies and their tectonic settings . the near - source sedimentary systems such as subaqueous alluvial fan and lake - floor fan are often deposed in rise - hemicycles in the steep slope background in the north , the coarse lithology of fan - delta prograded from north to south in fall - hemicycles , and the braided stream facies are formed in the rise - hemicycles in gentle slope background in the south , braided stream facies prograded from sorth to north in the fall - hemicycles , but the lacustrine facies and salt lake facies developed in the middle part of the area
9.Grain - size accumulation percentage of the aeolian sands in the past 150 ka in milanggouwan section is mainly characterized by the aeolian palaeo - mobile dune sands , which are composed of majority fine sands and minority very fine sands . there is n ' t almost any silt and clay . those of the fluvial facies , especially the lacustrine facies and palaeosols , are mainly composed of very fine sands and also contain some quantities of silt and clay
10.Dividing the sedimentary facies as a delta - lacustrine facies according to wudaoliang group sedimentary rock facies and its combination , regarding lacustrine facies as principle ; the northern qiangtang suonahu formation sedimentary facies was divided for fluvial facies and the lacustrine facies , regarding lacustrine facies as principle
根据五道梁群沉积岩相特征及其组合,将五道梁沉积相划分为扇三角洲- -湖泊相,以湖泊相为主。羌北盆地唢呐湖组沉积相划分为河流相和湖泊相,以湖泊相为主。
Similar Words:
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